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Carer’s Allowance

What is Carer’s Allowance?

Carer’s Allowance is a benefit available to people who provide at least 35 hours of care to someone per week. The carer can use the money received in whatever way they like. It’s a taxable benefit, so it does form part of your taxable income if you earn over your personal expenses allowance.  But for each week you receive Carer’s Allowance, you will also automatically get National Insurance credits.

Am I entitled to Carer’s Allowance?

If you care for someone for at least 35 hours a week and they get certain benefits (for example Personal Independence Payment or Disability Living Allowance) you could be entitled to receive this benefit.

  • You do not have to be related to or live with the person that you care for to qualify.

  • The 35 hours of care not only involves physical care (such as washing and dressing) but also practical support and prompting (such as booking GP appointments and reminding the person to attend them).

How much is Carer’s Allowance?

For 2024/25, Carer’s Allowance is £81.90 a week for eligible carers.

While it is not means tested, there is an upper limit on how much you can earn while still being entitled to receive it. The 2024/25 upper limit for earnings is £151 per week after deductions.

Claiming Carer’s Allowance can affect the benefits of the person who you care for, so it is important to find out more information before making a claim:

Does claiming affect the benefits of the person I care for?

When you claim Carer’s Allowance, the person you care for will stop getting:

  • a severe disability premium paid with their benefits

  • an extra amount for severe disability paid with Pension Credit, if they get one

  • reduced Council Tax – contact their local council to find out if this affects them

You might be eligible for Carer’s Credit if you’re not eligible for Carer’s Allowance.

More information:

Hft’s Family Carer Support Service provides support and information to the families of learning disabled people. If you are a family carer to a person with a learning disability, you can contact them for support.