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Commitment to Partnership

What is the Commitment to Partnership with relatives and close friends of the people we support?

  • A process we commit to follow, to encourage partnership working between Hft and families of the people we support.
  • We agree ways of working with families, laying out what we will share, how often we will communicate and how (a choice of regular meetings, phone calls or emails).
  • We agree to principles of mutual respect and understanding.
  • It is also a chance to consult with people we support on what they want us to share with families.
  • All our staff receive training in how to follow the Commitment to Partnership approach and how to work well with families.

The Commitment to Partnership booklet

The process is summarised in a helpful booklet which outlines what we at Hft agree to do and what we expect of families in return. The booklet has three sections:

  • Working Together
  • Supporting your relative (including information about the Mental Capacity Act)
  • Resolving difficulties

Download your copy below.

The Easy Read form for people we support

This is a working document that support teams will complete with each of the people we support. It is a chance for people we support to give instructions on what information they want shared and who they want it shared with.

Staff will support each person to work through this form and keep a record.

Where someone has capacity to make a decision, completing the form will produce a record of what they wish to share with relatives. This will be fed into the individual’s person-centred plans.

Where someone does not have capacity, the form will provide evidence of how support was nonetheless given to include their input in the best-interests decision-making process.