Give while you shop

Looking to buy? There are plenty of easy ways to donate to Hft at the same time. We think there’s never been a better reason to go shopping!

Amazon Smile Logo


If you’re one of the millions of people in the UK who shop on Amazon, why not support Hft at the same time by shopping via AmazonSmile?

You get access to the same products, at the same prices, with the same service – but by selecting Hft as your chosen charitable organisation, Amazon will make an automatic donation of 0.5% of the net purchase price of your purchases (exc VAT, returns and shipping fees) directly to Hft, which we can use to help the people we support to live with more independence and choice.

In short, it costs you nothing, but Hft receives a donation!

Find out more, shop and donate

Easyfundraising and Giveasyoulive

Did you know that you can shop as normal from your favourite online stores and raise money for Hft at the same time – at no extra cost to yourself?

Logos of some of the shops you can access through Easyfundraising

Easyfundraising and Giveasyoulive allow you to do just that!

You can buy everything from a spa break to an iPhone, a bicycle to a pair of sandals and raise money for Hft at the same time.

Simply sign up with Easyfundraising or Giveasyoulive, browse your favourite online retailers and then click through to make your purchase. You won’t get charged more than if you bought from them direct (in fact there are some great discounts available), and the store will then make a donation to your cause, usually based on a percentage of the sale price.

Shop to your heart’s content, and fundraise for Hft – a winning combination! Take a look at the video below to find out more about how sites like Easyfundraising work…