Lockdown on Loneliness

The Covid-19 pandemic has created a common experience of loneliness, however for many people with a learning disability, this is not a new feeling simply linked to the pandemic.

Lockdown on Loneliness highlights the enduring loneliness experienced by many people with a learning disability and seeks action to tackle the barriers to friendship and connection that they face.

We need your help to make sure the government takes action, so people with a learning disability do not spend a lifetime feeling like they’re in lockdown.

Key findings from our research

Our research with people with a learning disability highlighted three barriers to friendship and connection – click each to find out more:

A purple button with white text reading "A lack of support"
A purple button with white text reading "Employment and financial constraints"
A purple button with white text reading "Public Attitudes"

Stories from our community

A picture of Lou, above a purple block featuring text that reads "Lou's story"
A picture of Rob, above a purple block featuring text that reads "Rob's story"

Ways you can support the campaign

If you have one minute, please share our campaign on social media by clicking the button above.
If you have two minutes, please download the letter below to send to your MP.
If you don’t know which constituency you live in, you can look it up here: Find MPs – MPs and Lords – UK Parliament
If you have three minutes, download our ‘Take Action’ pack – it’s an easy read guide for people with a learning disability, providing information about the campaign and ways to get involved.

Take Action pack

Click the links below to access the individual items in the Take Action pack: