Become a member

Become a member of Hft and add your voice to ours if you believe that learning disabled adults deserve more opportunities, more freedom and more control over their lives.

Benefits of membership

As a member, we hope you’ll come along to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) to hear about future plans, ask questions and use your chance to vote to make your voice heard. All Hft members are eligible for election to our board of Trustees and take part in elections for new Hft Trustees. You’ll receive regular updates on our work and will also be invited to special functions and fundraising events.

How to become a member

It’s easy to become a member of Hft. You can either pay an annual fee of £20 by Direct Debit, or become a lifetime member for a single payment of £250. For more information and to start the process, please complete the form below.


To enquire about Luv2meetU membership, please visit Luv2meetU Membership.

Become a Member

  • For more information on how we will handle your data please visit our Privacy Policy. In addition, you can find out more about the promises we make as a responsible charity at Get involved > Fundraising > Our Promise.

    Most of the fields below are optional, but please do provide at least one method of contact to allow us to respond to your membership enquiry.
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