Making change happen: Public affairs, policy and campaigns at Hft
Hft works with learning disabled adults to ensure they can live their life, their way. Together we speak up and work with decision makers, such as MPs who work in Parliament, to make positive change for learning disabled people.
Read the thoughts of our CEO, Steve Veevers, in his blog ‘Mind the political gap – it’s time to get serious about social care reform’.
Voices for Our Future: Calls for action from learning disabled adults
Voices for Our Future is our plan for making change. This is based on what learning disabled adults say is important to them so they can live their life, their way. It explains the key issues that, together, we will call for change on over the next five years. The key issues are: social care, the world of work, attitudes and housing.
Read Voices for Our Future, watch the animation, or click on the icons to read more about our calls for change.
If you want to help us make change, check out the Walk in Our Shoes Network below to see how you can get involved.
For practical support on how to vote, visit My Vote My Voice.
Voice for Our Future plan Voices for Our Future Easy Read