Lifeline phone

Uses health and safety sensors around the house to call for help when needed. For example when you press your panic button or when the flood sensor is activated. These can be programmed to contact a call-centre or a person of your choice.

For people living alone, how to get hold of someone in an emergency might represent a big challenge and barrier to living independently.

Lifeline phones link to health and safety sensors around the house to call for help when needed, for example when a panic button is pressed, or when a flood sensor is activated, and can be programmed to contact a call-centre or a person of your choice depending on what best suits the individual.

When linked into sensors around the home, Lifeline phones can enable people to enjoy ‘home alone’ time, remain living independently, reduce the need for additional staffing or night-time support, and can enable people who may be facing having to leave their home to remain living at home for longer.

Note: Due to the imminent digital switch over you may wish to consider researching lifelines which use the internet rather than an analogue phoneline.
