2023-07-24 13:27:25
Learning disability charity becomes Choose a Challenge’s seventh peak partner
Hft, the learning disability charity, has become only one of seven peak charity partners of Choose a Challenge, the adventure travel company, to reach a new audience of student fundraisers.
The new partnership, which currently operates in three universities – Hull, London School of Economics and Bristol – is an opportunity for Hft to promote its work to students while at the same time giving them the chance to take on life-changing challenges.
“There are so many unsung heroes within Hft and we’re looking forward to growing students’ understanding of what we do but also encouraging fundraising efforts for such a wonderful cause,” says Alice Devereux, Community Fundraising Officer (East Region) from Hft.
In a first for Choose a Challenge, Mike Cox, Senior Campus Account Manager, and Ryan Lavelle, Business Development Manager, recently visited one of Hft’s services in Barnet, where they met people with complex needs supported by the charity.
“As a charity, it is important for us to put the people we support at the centre of everything we do. That is why it was so significant for us to invite Choose a Challenge to visit two of our London-based services and to meet some of the people we are fortunate to support,”. Says Alice.
“Having had a successful first year of partnership with Choose a Challenge, we were eager to show the team first-hand the impact that the money raised through our student engagement will have on the lives of learning disabled adults,” she adds.
The visit was hugely beneficial for Mike and Ryan, who were there on the day, but also to the wider team who’ve been told all about the extraordinary work Hft is doing to support people with wide-ranging needs.
“Our team was really moved by the complex range of needs that Hft provides support for,” says Mike. “We saw first-hand how Hft empowers people with learning disabilities to live with more independence through to the end of live care that the nursing team was providing with such compassion.
“Although our student sales team had a good idea of what services Hft provides, the scale and range of support was made much clearer by visiting the service in person,” says Mike.
“When we’re speaking to students on campus, it’s incredibly helpful to have seen first-hand what their fundraising from participating in charity challenges contributes to. Anything we can do to better educate people on the mission and values of Hft and to bring to life how valuable their fundraising can be only serves to help us find supporters from our student community,” he adds.
“Following the visit, we’re collectively even more motivated to support Hft in identifying fundraisers and supporters from within the student community.”
Alice concludes: “Collaboration is a vital part of working in the charity sector and we look forward to continuing our successful partnership with Choose a Challenge and supporting more students to take on once-in-a-lifetime experiences whilst raising vital funds for the people we support.”
In a related move, Hft has also been chosen as one of Bangor University’s challenge partners and students will be undertaking a fundraising trip to Machu Picchu in Peru towards the end of the next academic year.
If any corporations wish to discuss partnership opportunities, or if students or corporations would like to take part in a life-changing adventure, please contact alice.devereux@hft.org.uk.
Notes to editors
For further information please email media.enquiries@hft.org.uk
About Hft
Proudly established in 1962 by a group of visionary parents, Hft is a charity supporting more than 2,500 learning disabled adults in England and Wales. Together, we are creating a future where learning disabled people and their families can live the best life possible.
Providing personalised support. Creating solutions for living independently. Coming together to campaign for positive change. Fundraising for new opportunities and a bigger impact.
In 2033, we’ll live in a world where learning disabled people have greater choice. About where they live. The support they need and want. And how to spend their time and money.
Learning disability versus difficulty
A learning disability is different from a learning difficulty but the terms are often confused and used inter-changeably. A learning difficulty does not affect general intellect, whereas a learning disability is a life-long condition characterised by a reduced intellectual ability and struggle with everyday activities.
For more information about Hft please visit www.hft.org.uk