What happens when I’m no longer around?

We’ve produced a film for family carers who have a relative with a learning disability, autism, or both. It addresses the key areas of planning for your relative’s future when you’re no longer around.

The film includes information that we feel is important for people to know about, through our own conversations with family carers, as well as key information from Thinking Ahead – a future planning guide written by Christine Towers from Together Matters. We hope this film provides a useful introduction to help you start planning your futures together.

Links and resources featured in the film

Other useful links and resources

The Care Act 2014

The Mental Capacity Act 2005

Contact the Family Carer Support Service

If you’ve watched our video but have further questions, please do call us. Our Freephone number – 0808 801 0448 – is answered Monday to Thursday 9am to 4pm.  If you want to call outside of those hours, or if we’re busy with someone else when you call, please do leave us a voicemail – we’ll call you back within seven working days.