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Aelodaeth, Achrediadau, Codau ac Ymrwymiadau


Bu i Hft ennill sawl achrediad a thystysgrif amrywiol sy’n dyst o’n hymdrechion parhaus i ddatblygu mudiad cyfrifol sy’n buddsoddi yn ei bobl.

Buddsoddi mewn Pobl Arian

Investors in People Silver accreditation logoLansiwyd Buddsoddi mewn Pobl ym 1991, ac mae’r safon rheoli pobl fwyaf blaenllaw ym Mhrydain. Mae’n arbenigo mewn trawsnewid perfformiad busnes drwy bobl. Mae bod yn rhan o’r broses achredu yn fodd inni barhau i wella a dangos cymaint rydym yn gwerthfawrogi ein staff.

Bu i Hft feddu ar yr acolad Buddsoddi mewn Pobl ers 2002. Yn 2017 bu Hft yn rhan o ail-asesiad ac yn sgil hynny bu inni dderbyn achrediad Arian Buddsoddi mewn Pobl – llwyddiant ysgubol.

Memberships, Accreditations, Codes and Commitments


Hft has achieved a number of different accreditations and certifications that demonstrate our continued efforts to grow as a responsible organisation that invests in its people.

Investors in People Silver

Investors in People Silver accreditation logoLaunched in 1991, Investors in People is the UK’s leading people management standard, specialising in transforming business performance through people. Participation in the accreditation process allows us to continuously improve and show how much we value our staff.

Hft has held the Investors in People accolade since 2002 and, in 2017 underwent reassessment that resulted in us receiving the Investors in People Silver accreditation – a significant achievement.

Darparwr Sgiliau Gofal (Skills for Care) Arnodedig

Bu i Hft ennill statws Darparwr Arnodedig o dan y Fframwaith Arnodi Sgiliau Gofal – marc ansawdd gaiff ei gyflwyno’n unig i ddarparwyr sy’n cynnig y cynlluniau dysgu a datblygu mwyaf blaenllaw yn y sector gofal cymdeithasol i oedolion.

Bu i Sgiliau Gofal ddatblygu’r fframwaith i helpu sicrhau hyfforddiant rhagorol i staff gofal cymdeithasol. Gan ennill statws Darparwr Arnodedig, bu i Hft brofi ein bod yn cynnig y canlynol:-

  • Yn cefnogi rhagoriaeth
  • Yn rhoi prosesau gwych ar waith
  • Yn cynnig cyrsiau sy’n berthnasol ac yn addas i’r diben, ac
  • Yn medru dangos fod y bobl rydym wedi’u hyfforddi yn cynnig gwell gefnogaeth yn sgil yr hyn bu iddyn nhw ei ddysgu..

Dysgu mwy am y Fframwaith Arnodi Sgiliau Gofal.

Skills for Care Endorsed Provider

Hft has achieved Endorsed Provider status under the Skills for Care Endorsement Framework – a mark of quality that is awarded only to providers that deliver the best learning and development programmes in the adult social care sector.

Skills for Care developed the framework to help ensure excellent training for social care staff. In gaining Endorsed Provider status, Hft have proved that we: –

  • support excellence
  • have good processes in place
  • deliver courses that are relevant and fit for purpose, and
  • can demonstrate that the people we have trained are now delivering better support as a result of what they have learnt.

Find out more about the Skills for Care Endorsement Framework.

Cynllun Cyfleoedd Arbed Ynni (ESOS)

Fel rhan o’n hymroddiad i leihau’r defnydd o ynni ac ein hôl troed carbon cysylltiedig, bu i Hft gydymffurfio gyda Rheoliadau 2014 y Cynllun Cyfleoedd Arbed Ynni (ESOS). Mae’r rheoliadau yn gorchymyn bod yn rhaid inni gynnal asesiadau cynhwysfawr ynghylch defnydd o ynni a chyfleoedd effeithlonrwydd ynni o leiaf unwaith pob pedair blynedd.

Mae’r cynllun ESOS yn disgwyl i Hft wneud y canlynol:

  • Mesur cyfanswm yr ynni gaiff ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer yr adeiladau, prosesau a chludiant.
  • Adnabod meysydd lle mae defnydd ynni sylweddol, gan ddwyn i ystyriaeth o leiaf 90% o’r cyfanswm o ynni gaiff ei ddefnyddio.
  • Adnabod argymhellion ynni cost-effeithlon ar gyfer meysydd lle bydd defnydd ynni sylweddol.
  • Cofnodi’r cydymffurfio gydag Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd

Dysgu mwy am y Rhaglen ESOS.

Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)

As part of our commitment to reduce energy use and our associated carbon footprint, Hft has achieved compliance with the Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) Regulations 2014, which mandate that we undertake comprehensive assessments of energy use and energy efficiency opportunities at least once every four years.

The ESOS programme requires Hft to:

  • Measure total energy consumption for buildings, processes and transport.
  • Identify areas of significant energy consumption, accounting for at least 90% of total energy consumption.
  • Identify cost-effective energy efficiency recommendations for areas of significant energy consumption.
  • Report compliance to the Environment Agency.

Find out more about the ESOS programme.

OHSAS 18001:2007

OHSAS 18001 logoMae OHSAS 18001:2007 yn safon wedi’i gydnabod ledled y byd sy’n gosod y gofynion lleiaf posib ar gyfer ymarfer gorau Iechyd Galwedigaethol a Rheoli Diogelwch yn y gweithle. Mae’n ymdrin â meysydd fel Asesu Risg, Rheoli Peryglon, Perfformiad a Monitro, Hyfforddiant a pharodrwydd mewn argyfwng.

Mae Hft yn ystyried Iechyd a Diogelwch o ddifri. Rydym wedi ein hasesu gan y Grŵp Ardystio ac wedi’u hardystio fel eu bod yn cydymffurfio gyda gofynion y safon.

OHSAS 18001:2007

OHSAS 18001:2007 is a globally recognised standard that sets out the minimum requirements for Occupational Health and Safety Management best practice in the workplace. It covers areas that include Risk Assessment, Hazard Management, Performance and Monitoring, Training and emergency preparedness.

Hft takes Health and Safety seriously. We have been assessed by The Certification Group and certified as conforming to the requirements of the standard.

Cyber Essentials Plus

Cyber Essentials Plus logoBu i Hft ennill achrediad Cyber Essentials Plus.

Mae Cyber Essentials yn gynllun gyda chefnogaeth y llywodraeth lle mae angen i fudiad brofi eu bod yn ddiogel rhag ymosodiadau ‘cyber’ cyffredin. Er bod Cyber Essentials yn ddatganiad cydymffurfio hunan-ardystiedig, mae Cyber Essentials Plus yn wiriad mwy manwl gywir o ddiogelwch cyber mudiad. Mae’n rhaid i arbenigwr diogelwch annibynnol gynnal y gwiriad.

Mae’r ardystiad hwn yn archwilio ymarfer da a safonau yn y meysydd canlynol:

  • Adnodd gwrth-firws wedi’i osod ar bob peiriant a chaiff ei gynnal a chadw yn rheolaidd
  • Caiff y systemau cyfrifiadur eu diweddaru’n rheolaidd
  • Caiff ffonau symudol eu rheoli ac maen nhw’n ddiogel
  • Mae’r rhwydwaith corfforedig wedi’i warchod rhag ymosodiadau allanol
  • Mae e-byst a’r rhyngrwyd wedi’u gwarchod rhag maleiswedd a chynnwys annymunedig.
  • Bod polisïau a gweithdrefnau mewn grym i reoli systemau cyfrifiadurol a gwybodaeth.

Mae’r achrediad hwn yn brawf o ymroddiad parhaus Hft i ddiogelu eu gwybodaeth.

Cyber Essentials Plus

Cyber Essentials Plus logoHft has achieved the Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation.

Cyber Essentials is a government-backed scheme that requires an organisation to prove that it is secure against common cyber attacks.  Although Cyber Essentials is a self-certified statement of conformity, Cyber Essentials Plus is a more rigorous verification of an organisation’s cyber security, that requires verification to be carried out by an independent security specialist.

The certification examines good practice and standards in the following areas:

  • An anti-virus product is installed on all machines, and is regularly maintained
  • Computer systems are subjected to regular updates
  • Mobile phones are managed and secure
  • The corporate network is protected from external attack
  • Email and internet is protected from malware and unwanted content
  • Policies and procedures exist for handling computer systems and information.

This accreditation reflects Hft’s ongoing commitment to information security.

Codau ac Ymrwymiadau

Mae Hft yn cydymffurfio gyda nifer o godau ymarfer ac ymrwymiadau sydd â’r diben o annog ymarfer gorau yn y sector gofal cymdeithasol.

Codes and Commitments

Hft is a signatory to a number of different codes of practice and commitments designed to encourage best practice in the social care sector.

Y Rheoleiddiwr Codi Arian

Mae Hft wedi’i gofrestru gyda’r Rheoleiddiwr Codi Arian, sef y rheoleiddiwr annibynnol ynghylch codi arian elusennol yn Lloegr a Chymru. Mae’r Rheoleiddiwr Codi Arian yn gosod a chynnal y safonau ar gyfer codi arian elusennol, a’i nod ydy gofalu bod yr ymdrechion a digwyddiadau codi arian yn gyfreithiol, yn agored, yn onest ac yn barchus.

Mae’r Cod Ymarfer Codi Arian a’i Llyfrau rheolau cysylltiedig ar gyfer Codi Arian ar y Stryd ac o Ddrws i Ddrws yn crybwyll safonau disgwyliedig holl fudiadau codi arian elusennol ledled Prydain. Cafodd y safonau eu datblygu gan y gymuned codi arian drwy waith y Sefydliad Codi Arian (IoF) a’r Gymdeithas Codi Arian Cyhoeddus (PFRA).

Mae Hft yn cydymffurfio gyda Chod Ymarfer Codi Arian y Rheoleiddiwr Codi Arian ac wedi ymrwymo i weithredu sawl mesur ymarfer da. Rydym hefyd yn ymroi i gydymffurfio gyda’r Addewid Codi Arian: –

  • Byddwn yn ymroi i gynnal safonau uchel
  • Byddwn yn eglur, yn onest ac yn agored
  • Byddwn yn barchus
  • Byddwn yn deg a rhesymol
  • Byddwn yn atebol ac yn gyfrifol

Dyma rhai o’r ffyrdd y byddwn yn dangos ein bod yn malio am ein cefnogwyr ac yn atebol am y ffordd rydym yn codi arian.

Fundraising Regulator

Hft is registered with the Fundraising Regulator, which is the independent regulator of charitable fundraising in England and Wales. The Fundraising Regulator sets and maintains the standards for charitable fundraising, and aims to ensure that fundraising is legal, open, honest and respectful.

The Code of Fundraising Practice and its associated Rulebooks for Street and Door Fundraising outline the standards expected of all charitable fundraising organisations across the UK. The standards were developed by the fundraising community through the work of the Institute of Fundraising (IoF) and Public Fundraising Association (PFRA).

Hft follows the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Fundraising Practice and has committed to a range of good practice measures. We are also committed to the Fundraising Promise: –

  • We will commit to high standards
  • We will be clear, honest and open
  • We will be respectful
  • We will be fair and reasonable
  • We will be accountable and responsible

These are some of the ways in which we show that we care about our supporters and are accountable for the way we raise funds.

Cod ‘Driving Up Quality’

Bu i Hft danysgrifio i’r Cod ‘Driving Up Quality’, sy’n golygu ein bod yn ymroi i wella ein gwasanaethau yn barhaus.

Mae’r cod yn ymwneud ag ymarferion ac agweddau hanfodol da y mae i fudiadau sy’n cefnogi pobl gydag anawsterau dysgu ymrwymo iddyn nhw. Drwy danysgrifio, rydym yn datgan yn gyhoeddus ein bod yn credu yn yr ymarferion da hyn ac yn eu cyflawni neu’n gweithio’n ymarferol i’w cyflawni.

Dyma brif nodau’r cod:

  • Gwella ansawdd gwasanaethau i bobl gydag anawsterau dysgu i ofalu eu bod yn rhagori ar safonau lleiaf.
  • Creu a datblygu brwdfrydedd yn y sector anawsterau dysgu er mwyn cynnig gwasanaethau o safon lle mae gwerthoedd yn annatod iddyn nhw
  • Cynnig neges eglur i’r sector a’r boblogaeth ehangach ynghylch ymarfer derbyniol ac annerbyniol
  • Hyrwyddo diwylliant o fod yn agored ac onest mewn mudiadau
  • Hyrwyddo dathlu a rhannu’r gwaith da sydd eisoes yn bodoli.

Driving Up Quality Code

Hft has signed up to the Driving Up Quality Code, meaning that we are committed to continuous improvement of the services we provide.

The code outlines good fundamental practices and behaviour that organisations that support people with learning disabilities need to be committed to. By signing up, we’re publically stating that we believe in these good practices and are achieving or actively working towards them.

The main aims of the code are to:

  • Drive up quality in services for people with learning disabilities that goes beyond minimum standards
  • Create and build a passion in the learning disability sector to provide high quality, values-led services
  • Provide a clear message to the sector and the wider population about what is and what is not acceptable practice
  • Promote a culture of openness and honesty in organisations
  • Promote the celebration and sharing of the good work that is already out there.

Cyflogwr Hyderus o ran Anabledd

Mae Hft yn teimlo’n gadarnhaol am gyflogi a dal ein gafael ar bobl gydag anableddau. Fel Cyflogwr Hyderus o ran Anabledd, mae Hft yn helpu gofalu bod modd i bobl gydag anableddau fanteisio ar gyfleoedd i gyflawni hyd eithaf eu gallu a chyflawni eu dyheadau fel pobl heb anableddau.

Drwy Hyderus o ran Anabledd, mae’r Llywodraeth yn cydweithio gyda chyflogwyr fel Hft i wneud y canlynol:

  • herio agweddau tuag at anableddau
  • cynyddu’r ddealltwriaeth o anableddau
  • goresgyn rhwystrau
  • gofalu bod modd i bobl ag anableddau fanteisio ar gyfleoedd i gyflawni hyd eithaf eu gallu a chyflawni eu dyheadau.

Disability Confident Employer

Hft is positive about employing and retaining people with disabilities. As a Disability Confident Employer, Hft is helping to ensure that disabled people have the same opportunities to fulfil their potential and realise their aspirations that people without disabilities do.

Through Disability Confident, the government is working with employers such as Hft to:

  • challenge attitudes towards disability
  • increase understanding of disability
  • remove barriers
  • ensure that disabled people have the opportunities to fulfil their potential and realise their aspirations.

Datganiad Caethwasiaeth Modern

Yn dilyn cyflwyno’r Ddeddf Caethwasiaeth Modern 2015, mae gofyn i bob mudiad gyda throsiant blynyddol dros £36 miliwn lunio datganiad i fod yn fwy ymwybodol o beryglon caethwasiaeth modern ac i wella eglurder o fewn cadwyni cyflenwi.

Fel elusen sy’n ymroi i ofalu, cynnig dewisiadau a meithrin annibyniaeth, rydym yn cymeradwyo’r ddeddfwriaeth ac yn adnabod yr angen i fynd i’r afael gyda’r mater.
Gallwch lawr lwytho copi o’n datganiad yma

Modern Slavery Statement

Following the introduction of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, a statement is required from all organisations with an annual turnover exceeding £36 million, to provide greater awareness of the dangers of modern day slavery and to improve transparency within supply chains.

As a charity committed to care, choice and independence we welcome this legislation and recognise the need to engage with this issue.
You can download a copy of our statement here

Datganiad Cofnodi Bwlch Cyflog rhwng y Rhywiau

Mae ein Gweithwyr Cefnogol yn ymroi i ofalu bod cyfle i’r rheiny rydym yn eu cefnogi i fyw eu bywyd i’r eithaf. Dyma pam fod Hft yn elusen mor llwyddiannus ac uchel ei bri ag ydy hi heddiw. Bu inni ymgyrchu i ofalu bod gweithwyr gwasanaethau i bobl gydag anawsterau dysgu barhau i dderbyn cyflog teg am eu gwaith rhagorol. At hyn, rydym wrthi’n ymdrechu i ofalu nad ydy rhyw person yn effeithio ar eu cyflog. Mae’n bleser gennym ni gyhoeddi Adroddiad am y Bwlch Cyflog rhwng Rhywiau Hft ar gyfer 2019.

Adroddiad am y Bwlch Cyflog rhwng Rhywiau Hft ar gyfer 2019

Gender Pay Gap Reporting Statement

It’s our Support Workers’ dedication to ensuring that the people we support have the opportunity to live the best lives possible that has made Hft the highly rated charity that it is today. Just as we have campaigned to see people employed in learning disability services continue to be paid fairly for the exceptional work they do, so too are we working to ensure that someone’s gender does not affect the wage they receive. So we are pleased to publish our Hft Gender Pay Gap Report for 2019.

Download a copy of our Gender Pay Gap Report for 2019


Mae Hft yn aelod o nifer o gyrff a mudiadau sector gwahanol sydd un ai’n gweithio i wella bywydau pobl gydag anawsterau dysgu, neu sy’n cefnogi elusennau fel Hft i gynnal ein safonau uchel ac effeithiolrwydd.

Sefydliad Anawsterau Dysgu Prydain (BILD)

Mae Hft yn aelod o BILD, un o’r mudiadau anawsterau dysgu mwyaf blaenllaw ym Mhrydain.

Mae BILD yn gweithio i ofalu caiff pobl gydag anawsterau dysgu eu gwerthfawrogi’n gyfartal â phawb arall. Hefyd maen nhw’n gofalu bod modd i bobl gydag anawsterau dysgu chwarae rhan ymarferol yn eu cymunedau ac wedi’u trin ag urddas a pharch. Mae ein haelodaeth gyda  BILD yn helpu gofalu ein bod yn ymwybodol o’r diweddaraf o ran y syniadau a datblygiadau diweddaraf yn y maes anawsterau dysgu. Mae hyn yn dylanwadu ar ein hymarferion ac yn ein helpu i wella bywydau pobl.

Mae BILD hefyd yn ymgyrchu am gyllid i gefnogi pobl gydag anawsterau dysgu a’u gofalwyr teulu. Maen nhw hefyd yn ymgyrchu yn erbyn ymarfer drwg fel yn Winterbourne View.


Hft holds membership with a number of different sector bodies and organisations that either work towards improving the lives of people with learning disabilities, or support charities such as Hft to maintain our high standards and effectiveness.

British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD)

Hft is a member of BILD, one of the leading learning disabilities organisations in the UK.

BILD works to ensure that people with learning disabilities are valued equally, are able to participate fully in their communities and are treated with dignity and respect. Our membership of BILD helps ensure that we’re kept up to date with the latest thinking and development in the field of learning disabilities to inform our practice, and help us to improve people’s lives.

BILD also campaigns for proper funding for support for people with learning disabilities and their family carers, and against bad practice as witnessed at Winterbourne View.

Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG)

Mae Hft yn aelod o’r VODG, sef grŵp o dros 80 o fudiadau mwyaf blaenllaw nid er elw a sector gwirfoddol sy’n ymwneud ag anableddau sy’n gweithio ar ran eu haelodau i ddylanwadu ar a datblygu polisïau gofal cymdeithasol, datblygu perthnasau gyda’r llywodraeth ac asiantaethau allweddol eraill, hyrwyddo ymarfer gorau a diweddaru aelodau am y materion sy’n effeithio ar ddarparu gwasanaethau.

Mae aelodau VODG yn cydweithio gydag oddeutu miliwn o bobl anabl ledled Prydain gan gynnig gwasanaethau sy’n hyrwyddo annibyniaeth, dewisiadau a rheolaeth. Gweledigaeth VODG ydy gweld byd lle mae modd i unrhyw un gydag anabledd wneud eu holl ddewisiadau eu hun a rheoli eu bywyd yn gyfan gwbl.

Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG)

Hft is a member of the VODG, a group of over 80 leading voluntary sector and not-for-profit disability organisations that works on behalf of its members to influence and develop social care policy, build relationships with government and other key agencies, promote best practice, and keep members up-to-date on matters that have an effect on service delivery.

VODG members work with around a million disabled people throughout the UK providing services that promote independence, choice and control. The VODG’s vision is a world where everyone with a disability has full choice and control.

The European Network for Technology Enhanced Learning in an Inclusive Society (ENTELIS)

Mae’r prosiect ENTELIS yn gyfuniad o â naw partner o bob cwr o’r Undeb Ewropeaidd ac un partner o’r Unol Daleithiau. Eu nod ydy mynd i’r afael â rhai o’r trafferthion, ynghlwm â manteisio ar dechnoleg gynorthwyol a thechnolegau gwybodaeth a chyfathrebu, y mae sawl pobl gydag anableddau a’r henoed yn eu hwynebu. Bu i fudiadau eraill ymuno â’r consortiwm fel Partneriaid Cysylltiol.

Nod ENTELIS ydy lleihau’r gwahaniad digidol drwy ddatblygu rhwydwaith cynaliadwy o fudiadau sy’n cydweithio i ddatblygu strategaethau a pholisïau a fydd yn gofalu fod pobl o bob oedran, gyda neu heb anableddau, fanteisio ar ac elwa o dechnoleg.

Mae Hft yn Bartner Cysylltiol ar ran ENTELIS. Rydym yn cynnig gwybodaeth ac arbenigedd yn ymwneud â Thechnoleg Bersonol a sut mae modd ei roi ar waith gyda gwahanol grwpiau.

The European Network for Technology Enhanced Learning in an Inclusive Society (ENTELIS)

The ENTELIS project brings together nine partners from across the European Union plus one partner from the United States, with the goal of addressing some of the issues around accessing assistive technology and information & communication technologies that are experienced by many people with disabilities and the elderly. Other organisations have joined the consortium as Associate Partners.

ENTELIS aims to reduce this digital divide by developing a sustainable network of organisations that collaborate in the development of strategies and policies which will help ensure that people of all ages, with or without disabilities can access and benefit from technology.

Hft is an Associate Partner in ENTELIS. We provide knowledge and expertise in Personalised Technology and how this can be applied to different groups.

Learning Disability Voices

Mae Hft yn aelod sefydlu o  Learning Disability Voices, clymblaid o elusennau, mudiadau nid er elw a chwmnïau annibynnol sy’n cynnig gwasanaethau i bobl ag anawsterau dysgu ym Mhrydain. Gyda’i gilydd, mae’r mudiadau hyn yn cynrychioli 20% o wasanaethau’r sector gyfan.

Yn y blynyddoedd diweddar, bu’n rhaid i’r sector ymdopi gyda thoriadau llywodraeth leol mwyfwy niweidiol. O ganlyniad, roedd yn rhaid i’r sector weithredu’n effeithlon er mwyn cadw’r costau’n sefydlog. Fodd bynnag, gan y cawn ni’n talu am yr oriau gofal rydym yn eu cynnig, a gan ein bod yn cefnogi pobl fregus sy’n aml angen cefnogaeth 24 awr gan un neu fwy o ofalwyr i ofalu ein bod yn bodloni’u hanghenion, nid oes modd inni leihau staff y rheng flaen er mwyn gostwng y costau ymhellach.

Cafodd Learning Disability Voices ei lansio er mwyn ymateb i’r her cyllid a’u nod ydy hyrwyddo’r sector anawsterau dysgu a gwthio i greu newidiadau hanfodol i bolisïau er mwyn gofalu dyfodol cynaliadwy i ofal o safon i bobl gydag anawsterau dysgu.

Learning Disability Voices

Hft is a founder member of Learning Disability Voices, a coalition of charities, not-for-profits, and independent companies that provide learning disability services in the UK, and that together represent 20% of the total sector provision.

In recent years the sector has had to cope with increasingly damaging local government cuts and has been forced to drive operational efficiencies to keep fees static. However, as we are paid for the hours of care we deliver, and as we support vulnerable people who often require 24-hour support delivered by one or more carers to ensure that their needs are met, we cannot reduce frontline staffing to cut costs further.

Learning Disability Voices was launched in response to the funding challenge this represents and exists to champion the learning disability sector and push for crucial policy changes to ensure a sustainable future for quality learning disability care.

European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD)

Mae Hft yn aelod o European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD), sef mudiad ymbarél Ewropeaidd sy’n cynrychioli dros 15,000 o wasanaethau cefnogi ar gyfer pobl gydag anableddau ledled Ewrop. Nod EASPD ydy hyrwyddo cyfleoedd cyfartal o bobl gydag anableddau. Rydym hefyd yn aelodau o grŵp buddiant EASPD ar dechnoleg gynorthwyol neu Dechnoleg yn Canolbwyntio ar y Person (PCT). Mae Sarah Weston, Rheolwr Arloesedd Hft yn gyd-gadeirydd ar y grŵp Buddiant.

European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD)

Hft is a member of the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD), a European umbrella organisation representing more than 15,000 support services for people with disabilities across Europe. EASPD aims to promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities. We are also members of EASPD’s Interest group on assistive technology or Person-centred Technology (PCT). Sarah Weston, Hft’s Innovation Manager, is co-chair of the Interest group.

Cymdeithas Gwasanaethau Teleofal (TSA)

Mae Hft yn aelod o’r Gymdeithas Gwasanaethau Teleofal (TSA) – y corff diwydiant ar gyfer gwasanaethau gofal trwy gymorth technoleg (TEC). Nod TSA ydy cefnogi datblygiad yn y diwydiant gwasanaethau Gofal trwy Gymorth Technoleg drwy ddatblygu strategaethau, arloesedd, dewisiadau a safonau er mwyn i bobl fyw’n fwy annibynnol a gwella ansawdd eu bywyd.

Telecare Services Association (TSA)

Hft is a member of the Telecare Services Association (TSA) – the industry body for technology enabled care (TEC) services. The TSA aims to drive growth in the TEC industry by driving strategy, innovation, choice and standards to enhance people’s independence and quality of life.